帕夫先生的奇妙旅程/An Interesting Journey PAF


Trapped in an ancient temple during an archeological expedition, Monsieur PAF needs to find a way to get out by solving puzzles left by a forgotten civilization.

An Interesting Journey of Monsieur PAF is a platform / isometric puzzle game. Sharing similar mechanics with the Sokoban, Monsieur PAF attempts to revisit the genre using 3D verticality in magnificent homemade, two-dimensional environments.

EXOTIC ADVENTURE:Live the cool day-to-day life of an archeologist like no other and walk through the depths of a mysterious temple buried in the heart of a faraway jungle.

DIABOLICAL PUZZLES:Will you find the solution to the many puzzles left by an ancient civilization on your way out? Or will you let this temple become your eternal tomb?

MONSIEUR PAF IS TOO POWERFUL!Nothing can stop you: lift, move or break elements around you with your strong muscles. Seems that all those nights spent at the library lifting tons and tons of books have proven to be useful.

COLLECT THEM ALL:Careful! You could acquire a taste for puzzles and spend way too many hours going back to solve ALL mysteries and secrets kept in this ancient temple

JUST PLAY:You can play and stop whenever you want, alone or with friends on a shared screen. You can’t lose, as Monsieur PAF cannot die: just have fun!



Mac OS X

SteamOS + Linux


操作系统:Windows 7/8/10

处理器:Intel Core i3 1.5 GHz

内存:2 GB RAM

显卡:Intel HD Family 3000

DirectX 版本:10

存储空间:需要 250 MB 可用空间

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酷玩游戏 » 帕夫先生的奇妙旅程/An Interesting Journey PAF


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